NK jeugd met Tobias
Tobias deed vorige week mee aan het Nederlands kampioenschap voor A-jeugd (tot en met 18 jaar) in Almelo. Hij had zich een paar maanden geleden geplaatst voor de finale via de online voorrondes. Het was van te voren al duidelijk dat het voor Tobias een zwaar toernooi zou worden. Tobias heeft een rating van 1443. Dat is wel een beetje laag ingeschat, maar toch: aan het toernooi deden negen schakers mee met een rating boven de 2000, met een uitschieter van 2292.
En het werd ook geen gemakkelijk toernooi. Uiteindelijk moest Tobias met een score van 1,5 uit 7 genoegen nemen met een plaats in de achterhoede. Toch: alleen al het feit dat je je plaatst voor het Nederlands kampioenschap na zware selectietoernooien is al een prestatie om trots op te zijn. En volgend jaar nieuwe ronde nieuwe kansen: met de opgedane ervaring kan het alleen maar beter worden.
Tobias was zo vriendelijk om drie van zijn partijen van commentaar te voorzien voor de website. In de eerste partij laat Tobias met zwart zien hoe je gebruikmaakt van het loperpaar in een open stelling. De tweede partij is een moeilijke positionele strijd, waarin Tobias lange tijd goed meekomt. Uiteindelijk laat zijn tegenstander zien waarom hij een veel hogere rating heeft. En de derde partij is vooral grappig omdat er vanuit een verloren stelling toch remisekansen ontstaan. In een eindspel met toren tegen twee paarden en een pion is het enige wat je hoeft te doen de pion slaan: met twee paarden is mat zetten niet meer mogelijk. Helaas kon Tobias de juiste weg naar remise in tijdnood niet vinden.
[Event "NK jeugd A"] [Site "Almelo"] [Date "4 augustus 2021"] [Round "4"] [White "David Sonneveld"] [Black "Tobias Li-Behn"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "A80"] [WhiteElo "1589"] [BlackElo "1443"] [Opening "Dutch"] 1. d4 f5 2. Nc3 Nf6 3. Bg5 {I find this move order of the Dutch very annoying} 3... d5 4. Bxf6 exf6 5. e3 Be6 6. Bd3 Nc6 7. Nge2 Qd7 8. a3 {This is the last theoretical move, white's plan is b4, black can respond with Bd6, Ne7 and 0-0 with preparation of kingside pawn push} 8... a6 9. O-O Bd6 10. b4 O-O {There was another game in the NK A two rounds earlier with 0-0-0 which ended badly for black} 11. Qd2 Ne7 12. f3 {12 Pxd5 Pxd5 13 c4 Pxe3 14 Dxe3 c6 and I am happy here with the bishop pair and plenty of resources ro defend any further pawn breaks such as d5 or b5.} 12... b6 13. e4 {Whites whole idea of f3 and e4 will backfire as het opens up the position for my bishops and I anticipated that so I prepare a b6-c5 break for further opening of the position} 13... fxe4 14. fxe4 c5 15. exd5 Nxd5 16. Nxd5 Bxd5 17. dxc5 bxc5 {[%xcpdao l]} 18. Rad1 {[%xcpdao l]} (18. Bxh7+ Kxh7 19. Qxd5 Bxh2+ {This tactical shot fails for white due to the king not ending up in check after Qxd5}) 18... Rfd8 19. Nf4 Bf7 20. Rf3 Qc7 {My position is open and I am really happy about the bishop pair, now I just need to focus on the queenside pawns and push my soon a-pass pawn} 21. Qc1 cxb4 22. axb4 Bxb4 23. Rh3 h6 24. Ng6 Qc5+ 25. Kh1 Rxd3 26. Rdxd3 Bxg6 27. Rdg3 Qxc2 28. Qxc2 Bxc2 29. Rxh6 Kf7 30. Rh4 Rd8 {The bishop pair is too strong} 0-1
[Event "NK jeugd A"] [Site "Almelo"] [Date "6 augustus 2021"] [Round "6"] [White "Tobias Li-Behn"] [Black "William Shakhverdian"] [Result "0-1"] [WhiteElo "1443"] [BlackElo "2074"] 1. c4 e6 2. Nf3 d5 {[%xcpdao l,t]} 3. e3 {I wanted to avoid the deep theoretical territories in the Queens Gambit} (3. g3 Nf6 4. Bg2 Be7 5. O-O O-O {This would transpose into a Catalan}) 3... Nf6 4. b3 Nbd7 5. d4 c6 6. Bd3 Bd6 7. Bb2 b6 8. Nbd2 Bb7 9. O-O O-O {Here I finished the principles of development and started thinking for a middle game plan. I opted for a e4-break followed by d5 to open up the diagonals for my bishop. The computers plan is to play Ne5 with f4 and eventually do a Rf3 rook lift and move to h3.} 10. Rc1 c5 11. Qc2 Rc8 12. Qb1 {I was anticipating any future dxc4 and cxd4 business that could lead to tactics with the rook pointing at my queen.} 12... Qe7 13. Rfe1 {Now I am ready for e4 break but my opponent anticipated that.} 13... dxc4 14. bxc4 e5 {I can close the position with d5 and e4 which gives me a comfortable positional edge with the space advantage and the protected passed d-pawn.} 15. d5 Rce8 16. e4 Nh5 17. g3 g6 18. Nh4 Qd8 19. Re3 Bc8 20. Rf1 Ndf6 21. f3 Nd7 {The last 5-7 moves were all closing the kingside and stopping any potential counterplay before I move my pieces to the queenside and attack weaknesses in light squares and a7, b6} 22. Qe1 {Looking at a4-a5.} 22... Qc7 23. Nb1 {I really like this move as it allows my knight to move away from my queens diagonal and maneuver to b5 via a3.} 23... Be7 24. Ng2 Bg5 25. Re2 Bh6 26. Bc1 {[%xcpdao l]} 26... Bg7 (26... Bxc1 27. Qxc1 {exchanging bishops would be favorable for me with new dark square weaknesses on the king side}) 27. a4 Nb8 28. a5 f5 {My opponent decides for counterplay before his queen side collapses[%xcpdao l]} (28... bxa5 29. Ra2) 29. Rb2 {I was getting concerned about my time as I still had to do 10 moves till time control and my opponent had a 15 minute edge.} (29. axb6 Qxb6 30. exf5 gxf5 {This would have given me a big positional edge with new e5 weaknesses and c4 safe from any b5 undermining my passed pawns.}) 29... Na6 30. axb6 axb6 31. Bd2 Rf7 32. Bc3 Bf8 {[%xcpdao l]} 33. Qd1 (33. exf5 gxf5 34. Na3 Nb4 35. Bb1 Bd7 36. Re2 {This would have given me big advantage with rook swinging back to target e5}) 33... Nb4 34. Na3 Bd7 35. Qd2 Ba4 36. Nc2 b5 {My opponent playing too strong for me, fixing his weaknesses with b5 and creating new counterplay against my king over g1-a7 diagonal} 37. Nxb4 cxb4 38. Bxb4 bxc4 39. Be2 {I had to use all my time to calculate the last combination and making sure that I am not completely lost afterwards. At this point tables turned and I was defending.} 39... fxe4 40. fxe4 Rxf1+ 41. Bxf1 Nf6 {[%xcpdao l]} 42. Qe1 (42. d6 {Only move to keep equality} 42... Qf7 43. Qc3 Nxe4 44. Qxc4 Qxc4 45. Bxc4+ Kh8) 42... Bb3 43. Bxf8 Rxf8 44. h3 Qc5+ 45. Qe3 Qd4 46. Re2 c3 47. Re1 Qxe3+ 48. Nxe3 {The game continued a bit but at this point my position collapsed and black has a very strong passed c3 pawn. I think this game was probably one of the better positional games I played until the b5 break.} 48... Nxe4 49. Bd3 Nxg3 50. Rc1 c2 51. d6 e4 52. Bb5 Rd8 53. d7 Rxd7 54. Kf2 Rf7+ 55. Kxg3 Rf3+ 56. Kg4 Rxe3 57. Kf4 Rxh3 58. Kxe4 Rc3 59. Kd4 Rc7 60. Kd3 Rc5 61. Ba6 Rd5+ 62. Kc3 Rd1 63. Kb2 Rxc1 64. Kxc1 Kg7 65. Bd3 h5 66. Be4 g5 67. Bf3 g4 68. Be2 Kf6 69. Kd2 Kg5 70. Kc1 h4 71. Ba6 h3 72. Bf1 Bd5 0-1
[Event "NK Jeugd A"] [Site "Almelo"] [Date "5 augustus 2021"] [Round "5"] [White "Tobias Li-Behn"] [Black "Daan Hubers"] [Result "0-1"] [WhiteElo "1443"] [BlackElo "1695"] 1. c4 g6 2. Nc3 Bg7 3. g3 d6 4. Bg2 Nc6 5. e4 h5 6. h3 Be6 7. d3 Qd7 8. Nge2 f5 {I did not expect this move. It looks very dubious and crazy, but what to expect from someone who plays 1. b4 in an agressive way} 9. Be3 h4 10. Qd2 (10. exf5 gxf5 (10... Bxf5 11. g4) 11. Qb3 Rb8 12. gxh4 {This would have given me a positional advantage with the strong white bishop and the weak central black king.}) 10... hxg3 11. fxg3 fxe4 12. Bxe4 Bf5 {I could have kept the game calm with g4 but after some time I decided on sacrificing the h3 pawn for some counterplay on the uncastled black king} 13. O-O-O Bxe4 14. Nxe4 Rxh3 15. Nf4 Rxh1 16. Rxh1 Qf5 {I expected all this when I did 0-0-0, now g4 is another pawn sacrifice which would have given me an almost winning position} 17. g4 Qd7 {Black wisely declines the sacrifice as Qg4 would be followed by Rg1.} (17... Qxg4 18. Rg1 Qh4 19. Rxg6 Bxb2+ 20. Kxb2) 18. Rh7 Be5 (18... Bf6 19. Nxf6+ Nxf6 20. Rh8+ Kf7 21. Rxa8) (18... Bf8 19. Nd5 a6 20. Ndf6+ Nxf6 21. Nxf6+ exf6 22. Rxd7) 19. Nxg6 {I got greedy. Only Nd5 would keep my positional advantage due to my active pieces, g5 was also a good attempt the would restrict his pieces.} 19... Qxg4 20. Nxe5 Nxe5 {And now I am down a pawn for nothing and need to defend. We both also got very low on time with 20 moves to go until the time control at move 40} 21. Ng5 Qf5 22. Qc2 O-O-O 23. Rh1 Qxd3 24. Qxd3 Nxd3+ 25. Kc2 Ne5 26. Kc3 Nf6 27. b4 Rg8 28. a4 Rxg5 29. Bxg5 Ne4+ 30. Kd4 Nxg5 31. c5 Ngf3+ 32. Kd5 Kd7 33. cxd6 cxd6 34. Rh7 Ne1 35. a5 a6 36. Kd4 Nc6+ 37. Kc3 Nf3 38. Rg7 d5 39. Rg3 d4+ 40. Kc4 Nd2+ 41. Kd3 Nf1 42. Rg5 Kd6 43. b5 axb5 44. Rxb5 e5 45. Rxb7 Nxa5 46. Rg7 Ne3 47. Ke4 Nb3 {Here the table base says there is a theoretical draw. I again was very low on time, had to play the rest of the game with little time.} 48. Rg6+ Kc5 49. Kxe5 Nc4+ 50. Ke4 Nbd2+ 51. Kf4 Ne3 52. Rg8 (52. Ke5 d3 53. Rc6+ Kxc6 54. Kd4 {and draw}) 52... Nd5+ 53. Kg3 d3 54. Ra8 (54. Kf2 Nb1 55. Rg1 Nd2 56. Rd1 {and draw}) 54... Ne4+ 55. Kf3 d2 56. Ra5+ (56. Ra1 Ndc3 (56... Nec3 57. Rd1 Nxd1 58. Ke2 {and draw}) 57. Ke3 {and draw}) 56... Kd4 57. Ra4+ Kd3 58. Ra1 Ndc3 59. Rg1 Ng5+ 60. Kg4 Nge4 61. Kf3 Ng3 62. Ra1 Nge2 63. Kf2 Nc1 64. Ra8 Kc2 65. Rd8 Nd3+ 0-1
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