Bosbesstraat 5
2564 PA Den Haag
070-368 97 96
Public transport: Randstadrail 2 (stop Thorbeckelaan) en bus 23 (stop Volendamlaan)
Car: paid parking in the area around the playing venue
Weekly evening
Thursday night
- Senior members start at 20.00 uur.
- Youth plays from 18.30 to 19.45 hrs. Children up until stage 2 play competition from 18.30 to 19.00 hrs and are trained from 19.00 to 19.30 hrs. Children stage 3 and up are trained from 18.30 to 19.00 hrs and play competition from 19.00 to 19.45 hrs.
- Senior members pay an annual fee of 117,50 euros, junior members pay 107,50 euros per year (2nd family member junior: 15 euro reduction; 3rd junior family member: 30 euro reduction). Those that are main members of other clubs pay 75 euros per year. Keepers of an Ooievaarspas get 50% reduction on the membership fee.
- Payable to IBAN NL48 RBRB 0778 0236 56 in name of Schaakcombinatie HTV.